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Here Are 4 Industries that Are Reaping Big from Network Clocks

network wall clock

U.S. commuters lose 42 hours in traffic annually totaling to a $1,400 cost in gas. One of the biggest culprits behind this loss is the lack of time synchronization. Losses are, without a doubt, bad for any business especially in today’s economy. There was a time when coordination across various departments seemed impossible. Having everybody on the same schedule was difficult to the extent that many organizations stopped bothering. The same companies today use network clocks to have everybody on the same time no matter their location. Below are examples of industries that have benefited from synchronized clocks.

1. Hospitals

Every minute counts when you work in the health sector. Hospitals handle critical operations daily meaning that all parties should work on the same schedule. With a POE network clock, nurses make no mistakes giving medication on time. Changes in shifts are able to happen seamlessly, even in big hospitals where shift changes can be slow. This ensures that no patient goes unattended due to shift gaps. Surgical theaters are also sufficiently staffed should the need for patient operation arise. Thanks to POE clocks that guarantee synchronized time, patients are always in a safe pair of hands.

2. Laboratories

With a POE network clock, accurate documenting by scientists is possible. Recording to the second is key when dealing with experiment results. This calls for the precise timekeeping that ensures good data protocol. With POE digital clocks, researchers can precisely document any experiment changes down to the second.

There is more to research experiments than just accuracy: there are times when projects need to happen simultaneously. Keeping tabs on the progress of each in relation to the others becomes crucial. POE digital clocks also help figure out the effect of other external factors in research facilities. Some of these factors include power fluctuations and power shifts. The result is of better quality when the effects of such aspects are factored in.

3. Commodity Traders

Securities transactions in the 21st century occur in the blink of an eye. There is a thin line that separates closing trades at a profit or loss. The need for split-second timing cannot be overemphasized given what is at stake. When dealing with commodities, traders need more than a POE network clock: time coordination with traders worldwide or in a facility is key. Thanks to network clocks, having all trading on one timetable is possible.

4. Large Companies

Some companies have small offices located in different places and on different floors. Others operate as a single manufacturing plant occupying huge acreage. In both cases, coordination is no easy task. Disrupting the flow of operations can occur due to lags in communication, shift changes, and more. The disruptions can easily snowball if every department or facility lost a couple of minutes. However, this wouldn’t happen when coordination is left to a POE network clock.

With the cutthroat competition today, all businesses need accurate timekeeping. Thanks to network clocks, time synchronization has helped countless businesses (and industries) improve their operations. Rely on Time Machines Corp. when you want to achieve streamlined workplace operations today.

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